Easter Basket Re-Label: Jesus Is the Rock

How could I not do this one?  I just had to after I did the shamrock one for St. Patrick's Day!
I know I said I would use stuff that was easily found at stores; but this one can easily be found at candy stores. Just print the tag and tie a bow on to your rock candy swizzlestick. You're done!

Tags in two color options:


  1. This is too cute. Now I need to get busy with making rock candy or stop by cracker barrel. :)

  2. Can you make a pink/red Valentine's one and we can attach it to "pop rocks" candy that is a little easier to find? THANKS! Very Cute ideas!

    1. So glad you like the design, but unfortunately I am no longer taking any special requests for designs. However, I plan to bring back this printable for this Easter and will adjust it for Pop Rocks. Sorry for the inconvenience.


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PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to spend more time with my family, I am NO LONGER taking any special requests for designs. You are welcome to use the free-printables that I have already provided via download links. God Bless!