Thanksgiving Subway

Things will be a bit wonky these next few weeks.  I realize that Halloween isn't even here yet, but surely you all know me by now.  This marks my first official Thanksgiving post.  I still have a few Halloween ones planned too.  I just have a ton of great Christmas ideas for this year and have to move my Thanksgiving ones before I can start them.  Just in case you are curious, I will probably start those around the middle of November.

This subway art was inspired by that lovely hymn I grew up singing, "Count Your Blessings".  The older I get, the more I am amazed at how truly blessed I am.  I have so much for which to be thankful!  I get bogged down and depressed sometimes and that is when I really do just need to name each of my blessings one by one.  Just one of those blessings? My Kiddo! Another blessing? Awesome teachers who take the time to make such memorable projects for me to display like this little handprint owl! Adorable!
Link to Thanksgiving Subway sized 16x20 for blog subscribers here.  If you need it in an 8x10, here  is that link.  With things getting pretty busy around here, I will not be able to do any other special sizing or special requests throughout the holiday season.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

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  1. Love the subway art Natalie! And of course the owl is priceless!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Heather,
      Here is that link for you.
      Have a great night!


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PLEASE NOTE: In an effort to spend more time with my family, I am NO LONGER taking any special requests for designs. You are welcome to use the free-printables that I have already provided via download links. God Bless!