St. Patrick's Countdown

I am trying to get all of my St. Patrick's stuff out this week, so I can go ahead and start my Christ-Centered Easter Basket printables.  The color options for those this year are pink/purple and blue/green.  I ended the poll early, but it was already pretty evident that these were the color combinations you all preferred.  I am only redoing four of them in the new color schemes and am bringing in 3-4 new ones.  It just depends on how carried away I get with My Kiddo's basket this year.

The ones that I am bringing back are NoBunny Loves You Like Jesus, Jesus Is The Rock (with Pop Rocks!), Jesus Cares, No EGG-CEPTIONS, and Jesus Is The Living Water.  Of course, you are still welcome to use any of the others from last year.  Just please understand that I will not be able to accommodate any special requests.  I plan to include the backgrounds for download as well, so you can design your own if you wish.

Now, back to St. Patty's Day.  Here is my dry-erase countdown offering for you all.  It's sized 8x10.  Just pop it into a frame and count down the days using a dry-erase marker. Download link for blog subscribers here.  Personal-use only please!  Enjoy!

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