Is this thing on?

   So it's been a while. Like three years "while".  I must confess that I almost deleted this entire blog several times in the past few years, but always ended up keeping it.  I am so glad that I did.  A lot has transpired since the last time we have "talked". I lost my father in 2016. Life is so different without him.  I now have a First Grader and Pre-Schooler.   I am now an Auntie to the most adorable one-year old you have ever laid eyes on.  I am still working with special needs children which I greatly enjoy.   It helps me in dealing with my own special needs child.  The challenges are great and some days really stink...but the victories keep me going. I  see how much she is changing and how much I am changing my self.  I am in the season of life where transparency is of utmost importance to me.  This transparency is two-fold: transparency before others and before God.  I have learned to acknowledge my rough days, yet still give glory to God who deserves my highest praise.

   I am still a crafter. Still detail-oriented. Just real.  Just trying to find my balance between being a mom, wife, Christ-follower, and servant of others.  In the past, I was always creating just to create, so I could be the most "creative" one.  Now, I create because I appreciate being able to find the beauty in all things in life.  God is the ultimate creator and all the glory belongs to Him. I still have so many things to share with you, but they are an overflow of my life that I am already living. Not one that I am trying to "create".  See what I did there???  So please realize that many of my future posts will probably be about 2 years old in my real life.  I have plenty of baby showers, birthdays, and other holiday crafts to share with you.  I have also embarked into doing inductive bible study and am trying my hand at this world of bible journaling.  Bible journaling has been a challenge, because my handwriting is atrocious.  But God sees the beauty in it I am sure.

  I hope you will join me! I hope you you will share with me! I hope to inspire others! I hope to be inspired by you!
